Best and Famous Places to Visit Naran, Kaghan

Adeel Faraz Khan
6 min readSep 20, 2021


Naran and Kaghan valleys located in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan are famous for their beautiful places to visit known as the northern areas of Pakistan. Lakes, Meadows, icy mountains, trekking, and hiking spots add to its beauty.

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let’s start the blog the places in this world are very beautiful each one is more beautiful than the other, there are also several beautiful places in Pakistan. Naran, Kaghan, Shogran, valleys of Khayber Pakhtunkhwa are some of them.

Most people think of visiting beautiful places during their seasonal vacations and most of them prefer visiting beautiful northern areas of Pakistan such as Naran, Kagan valley, which is a river valley where the Kunar river flows and give viewers a breathtaking view.

It also consists of numerous beautiful villages valleys and lakes today. We will tell you the top 10 beautiful places in the Naran Kagan valley which provides its tourists with a breathtaking view and exceptional beauty.

  • Saif ul Maluk Lake
  • La Lazar Meadows
  • Babusar Top
  • Batakundi
  • Lulusar Lake
  • Makra Peak
  • Malika Parbat
  • Manna Meadows
  • Siri Paye
  • River Kunhar
Two green camps and a blue camp between the both on a lush green meadow with a snowy high mountain and green trees in its background
A Paradise-Like View

Saif ul Maluk Lake

Saif ul Maluk lake if you to visit Naran Kagon then the first place which comes to mind is lake Saif ul Maluk which is known by its famous fictional story it is about 10,575 feet high above sea level.

Lake is famous for trout fish and is about 113 feet deep the view of Saif-ul-Maluk is so mesmerizing with the reflection of peaks of mountains around it on a sunny day.

Malika Parbat can also be seen from Saif ul Maluk and you can enjoy a boat ride and can have a cup of tea or coffee along with sizzling dumplings from canteens at Saif ul Maluk lake.

La Lazar Meadows

La Lazar Meadows is also known as the valley of blooming flowers and it is in Kagan valley it is one of the most beautiful tourist attractions of Naran Kagon valley.

It is located at an elevation of 10,246 feet above sea level in the upper Kagan valley the spring season is the best time to visit La Lazar Meadows because you can enjoy the beauty of blooming flowers.

There is a distance of two kilometers from Batakundi to La Lazar Meadows which is accessible through jeeps on the way to La Lazar Meadows you can spot numerous macros and snow pigeons moreover there are also several potato fields present in La Lazar Meadows.

Siri Paye Meadows

Siri Paye meadows is a beautiful meadow with steep mountains narrow as trade gravel tracks rocky landslides and snowy winter the mountains here seem blanketed with greenery and offers serenity to the soul this meadow is located in Kagan valley near the beautiful hill station Shogran.

Moreover, the height of Siri Paye meadows is 10,032 feet above sea level this beautiful meadow of Kagan valley is surrounded by malik apartment and Makra Peak you can take jeeps from Shogran to go to Siri Paye Meadows.

Lulusar lake

Lulusar Lake is one of the momentous lakes of Pakistan located in Kagan valley it is an untouched and unexplored spot of Kagan valley because of its location at 11,190 feet above sea level.

It is located on Manceranar on Jalkad road in between Basil and Babusir top. This lake is the primary source of river Kunhar and after flowing through the entire length of Kagan valley it merges with the river Jehlum.

The distance between Naran and Lulusar Lake is 30 kilometers Lulusar lake is unique in terms of its beautiful crystal clear waters and fresh breeze in the middle of mountains and green meadows you can sit by side of it and view the beauty of nature.

Malika Parbat

Malika Parbat as the name suggests it is actually the queen of mountains the place is a queen in terms of its height and beauty it is the highest mountain of Kagan valley the pure white snowy peak is clearly visible from the lake Saif ul Maluk.

The reflections of this beautiful peak could be seen in the crystal clear waters of the lake the height of Malika Parbat is 5290 meters and it is accessible from lake Saiful Maluk easily.

The distance between Malika Parbat and the lake is six kilometers it is one of the most technical peaks after the height of 5000 meters up till now only a few climbers have reached the height of this peak.

Babusar Top or Babusar Pass

Babusar Pass is a very beautiful pass that connects Kagan valley and Khayber Pakhtunkhwa to the Chillas is on the Karakoram highway the height of this pass is about 13,690 feet and you can go to Babusar pass easily because of carpeted roads.

The best time to visit Babusar top is from June to September when the road to Naran is open from the top of Babusar you can get the panoramic views of snow peaks in beautiful valleys British during their rule built a track in 1892 from Babusar top to Gilgit which was previously accessible only through Sri Nagar.

Mana Meadows

Mana meadows located at an elevation of 8 000 feet mana meadows in Kagan valley is a very enchanting place. For reaching mana meadows through Paye, there is a four hours trek and from Mana meadows, to Shogran there is a consistent three hours trek.

When you go to Manna Meadows you can enjoy the flowers in bloom from June to September. Go to this very beautiful destination and enjoy the calmness and serenity of this heaven on earth.

Makra Peak

Makra Peak is a word of Urdu language which means spider it is called so because after getting snowfall this peak resembles the shape of a spider.

It is the most scenic peak of Kagan valley which is present in the southeast of Kiwai and south of palmetto from Kiwai to Shogran and then up to Siri Paye, it takes four to six hours trekking to the peak.

Due to the steepness of the mountain and snowfall, the climb to muck rock off is a bit difficult however considering the weather conditions the route can be covered easily.


Badakundi is a beautiful and small mountain village located in Kagan valley of Khayber Pakhtunkhwa the height of Batakundi is 8,607 feet above sea level the distance between Naran and Batakundi is about 16 kilometers.

There are several hotels rest houses and restaurants in Batakundi including the PWD rest house. If you are going to Babusar top this is the first village you will see. The village remains open the whole time in the winter season as well.

River Kunhar

Starting from the Lulusar lake at a distance of 48 kilometers from Naran then it joins river Jehlum outside Muzaffarabad the length of river Kunhar is 166 kilometers and it is the most beautiful river in Khayber Pakhtunkhwa.

The river is swollen by the glaciers of Malika Parbat and other glaciers of the region there are different species of fish found in this river predominantly trout.

Additionally, the river is very romantic and the valleys alongside are lush green and beautiful at some spots this river also allows river rafting sports activity. If you like this Blog then share it with others.

A tall snowy peak looks like, holding blue sky with white clouds and green meadow with trees are giving immense beautiful view.
A beautiful view
Solid rock mounts with blue sky and white clouds in background reflects the same in lake under its feet
rocky mount reflects in crystal clear water
White clouds in blue sky with some green peaks in background of a lush meadow with tall green trees.
Heaven-like View
A road looks like a snake in beautiful and high mountains
Scenic Road View from Babusar Top

Originally published at



Adeel Faraz Khan

Self motivated, and passionate individual loves traveling and exploring beautuful natural places, as well as writing about the same.