Pakistan Attracts Tourist for its Best Places/Spots to Visit

Adeel Faraz Khan
7 min readSep 13, 2021


Tourists Attractions in Pakistan

Pakistan is a hub of tourism as it offers the best and beautiful places, which attracts tourists from all over the world. It has famous tourists spots that any tourist dreams about seeing.

Nature has endowed our country with innumerable natural resources and natural beauty. High mountains, rivers, lakes, gardens, greenery, beautiful plains, desert all seasons, and above all the culture of Pakistan. These are all attractions that are considered important for the promotion of tourism in Pakistan.

Tourism currently represents 10% of the world’s economic activity. In most economic activities of these countries, such as Switzerland, Malaysia, Norway, Mexico, and the United Arab Emirates, tourism is at the forefront.

When it comes to natural beauty, God has blessed Pakistan in general and Gilgit-Baltistan in particular with such beauty that once one comes here, he stays here.

Scenic View from GB
Scenic View from GB, Pakistan

Famous Places in Pakistan

There are several places/spots in Pakistan which are very famous for tourists. But considering Northern Areas of Pakistan are very famous not only in Pakistan but all over the world as well.

It would not be wrong to call Gilgit-Baltistan the tourist destination of Pakistan as it is home to many of the world’s highest peaks, including K2.

Rich in natural beauty and cultural colors, Gilgit-Baltistan has ample tourism opportunities. Baltistan, home to beautiful valleys, lush meadows, snow-capped mountains, flowing and noisy rivers, and beautiful waterfalls, becomes a beautiful tourist attraction.

Places to Visit in Gilgit-Baltistan

Attabad Lake, Hunza, Pakistan
Attabad Lake, Hunza, Pakistan

These tourist attractions include,

  • Ferry Meadows
  • Deosai Plain
  • Rama
  • Khanjerab Pass
  • Passu Cones
  • Babusertop
  • Attabad Lake
  • Shangrila, and Khalti Lakes
  • Phandar
  • Shandor
  • Hunza’s Alatit and Baltit Forts
  • Skardu’s Shigar and Ganchha forts
  • Naltar

And in addition to the tourist attractions of a thousand of years old mosque, there are dozens of other beautiful areas as well.

Hunza, A Most Visited Place in Pakistan

The Hunza Valley needs no introduction. The modern Karakoram Highway also passes through this valley. In this valley, one can see such views from the side of the road that the heart wants the journey to never end.

The Hunza Valley consists of two parts, the Lower Valley and the Upper Valley. The Lower Valley has all its major cities such as Karimabad, etc. From here you will see all the densely populated areas of the valley in your footsteps. And Rakapushi looks like a guard over them. Upper Hunza is also called Gojal Valley.

Places to Visit in Hunza

Scenic Peak View in Hunza, Pakistan.
Scenic Peak View in Hunza, Pakistan.

There are several places to visit in Hunza, some are listed below,

  • Karimabad
  • Altit Fort
  • Baltit Fort
  • Rush Lake
  • Eagle Nest

Gojal Valley

The Gojal Valley has famous landmarks like Passu Cones and Lake Attabad, which are visited by people not only from Pakistan but from all over the world.

Shimshal Valley

Shimshal Valley is a lesser-known valley. But it is an amazing place. Its path starts from Karakoram Highway in Gojal Valley and after a full adventure jeep track, it reaches a place that is the land of climbers.

Famous Pakistani mountaineer Samina Baig and her brother Ali Baig also belong to this area. Mountaineering enthusiasts can also complete some treks surroundings here. And even if you don’t, spending a few days here will refresh you.

Khunjerab Pass

Khunjerab Pass (Pak-China border)
Khunjerab Pass

The Khanjarab Pass connects Pakistan and China and takes you to the world’s highest regular road that falls from an altitude of 4,600 meters. Here you will see the Pak-China border at the foot of the snow-capped mountains.

There is also a beautiful monument. A large number of tourists come here, especially almost all the tourists who come to Hunza.

Naltar Valley

Naltar Valley is only 54 km from the city. That is, it is much closer than Hunza and Skardu. Its stunning forests, clear and colorful lakes are very popular with tourists. It is only accessible by jeep and there are hotels and guesthouses for tourists.

Swat, Switzerland of Pakistan

Now let’s talk about Swat Valley which is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places in Pakistan. From lush green fields to mountains, from beautiful villages to clear rivers, you can see everything here.

Swat is a District of Malakand Division in the KPK province of Pakistan, known as Switzerland of Pakistan. It is situated in the Hindu-Kush mountain ranges of Pakistan and the highest peak in Swat is Known as Falak-Sher mountain which is about 5920 meters.

Places to Visit in Swat

Scenic View, Swat Valley, Pakistan
Scenic View, Swat Valley, Pakistan

There are many places in the valley worth visiting.

  • Mahodand Lake
  • Kalam Valley
  • Osho Jungal/Forest
  • Malam Jabba
  • Falak-Sher Mountain View Point
  • Madyan
  • Katora Lake
  • Fizagat Park
  • Marghzar
  • Bahrain
  • Kundol Lake

Chitral Valley, The Best Place to Visit in Pakistan

Now let’s move on to the Chitral Valley in the far north of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, which is famous all over the world for its beauty and ancient history. places to visit in Chitral includes,

Broghil Valley

Broghil Valley, Chitral, Pakistan
Broghil Valley, Chitral, Pakistan

If you like adventure and want to see something new, go to Brugal Valley of Chitral. Where in the past it was possible to go only by horse. But now you can also go by jeep.

There are high-altitude lakes and huge lush green plains, Whose background is high and lofty peaks.

Cromber Lake

The largest natural masterpiece is Lake Cromber, located a day’s drive from the last village, Broghil. It is not possible for you to go to Chitral and not visit the valley of Kalash.

Kalash Valley

The Kalash Valleys are also a unique region of Pakistan as the beliefs, culture, and language of the people here are completely different from the rest of the country.

At the same time, they are among the most beautiful valleys in Pakistan. The locals live in wooden houses. And it is said that they are actually descendants of the Greeks who settled here during the time of Alexander the Great’s world conquests.

These valleys are only two and a half hours away from Chitral. And both are must-visit places due to their natural and historical aspects.

Skardu, A Most Beautiful Place in Pakistan

The most amazing area of Pakistan is undoubtedly Skardu. Because here you get to see a lot in one place. Extremely high mountains, a great river like the Indus River. Large lakes, lush orchards, as well as deserts.

Cold Deserts to Visit in Skardu

Cold Desert, Skardu, Pakistan
Cold Desert, Skardu, Pakistan
  • Katpana Desert
  • Sarfaranga Desert

Yes, there are some of the most beautiful cold deserts in the world around Skardu, which are covered with snow in winter. And for the rest of the season, the dust seems to rise.

Both Sarfa Ranga and Katpana desert are very popular among tourists. There are also direct flights to Skardu from various cities including Islamabad.

But if you are keen on adventure, keep walking along the Indus River. You will never forget the journey on the Karakoram Highway in your life.

Deosai, A Tourism Booster in Pakistan

Deosai is also called the roof of the world. Because the 4,117-meter-high plain is the second-highest plateau in the world. And you can only go here in the summer season.

The lush green pastures, the snow-capped peaks in the background, the clear blue lakes, and the mountain springs make it one of the most beautiful places in Pakistan to boost tourism in the country.

Bears are also found here. They are called Himalayan brown bears. If you go to Skardu then you must go to Deosai. By jeep, you can easily see all the important places of Deosai in one day.

Fairy Meadows Pakistan

Fairy Meadows, Pakistan
Fairy Meadows, Pakistan

If you are looking for adventure and at the same time your pocket is heavy. So go to Fairy Meadows because you can see the amazing views of Nanga Parbat from here. It is the second-highest peak in Pakistan and the ninth highest in the world.

You have to have the courage to get there because the road here is very complicated. And it is considered one of the most hazardous roads in the world.

This is followed by several kilometers of hiking, after which you can reach Ferry Meadows. Where the most expensive hotels in Pakistan will be waiting for you. But the view from here is priceless.

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Adeel Faraz Khan

Self motivated, and passionate individual loves traveling and exploring beautuful natural places, as well as writing about the same.